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地址: 12 Kensington Ave. Toronto, ON M5T 2J7
  • 星期一:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期二:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期三:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期四:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期五:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期六:11:00am - 2:00am
  • 星期日:11:00am - 2:00am
1、电脑浏览:打开微信,点击【发现】(Discover),【扫一扫】(Scan QR Code)下面的二维码,打开网页后点击屏幕右上角分享按钮。2、手机浏览器:保存二维码图到本地,再打开微信的扫一扫,点击右上角【相册】,导入已保存的二维码即可。3、手机微信:长按二维码图即可识别
环境种类 Atmosphere 着装要求 Attire Casual
停车免费 Free Parking 消费水准 Price
设有酒牌 LLBO 适合宴会 Group Functions
有否送餐 Deliver 适合小童 Kids Friendly
付款方式 Payment MasterCard / Visa / American Express 凌晨营业 Open Late
超级划算 Cheap Eat 其它功能 Features

Kensington Market, where people moving to the ebb and flow of world events make a pit stop. Among them, enclaves of hippies, struggling students, chefs shopping with integrity, preppies from the suburbs buying torn jeans from secondhand stores on gold credit cards, and savvy restaurateurs and shopkeepers who've seen it all.
Last Temptation is a cafe named after a novel by Kazantzakis and owned by William Pham. Hummus with pita is smooth with a garlicky tang, green and white linguine primavera is generous and fresh, Oriental chicken or shrimp stir-fry sings of garlic or ginger, spicy roti is fresh and cooked with a light hand. Fresh fruit salad on yogurt is swirled with honey and cinnamon. A tiny price buys a main course with salad. And it's all served on white plates with blue trim, gold edges, and pictures of Hebrew tablets. Truly "melting pot" cuisine.
~ Sara Waxman



