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地址: 326 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M5S 1W5
  • 星期一:11:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期二:11:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期三:11:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期四:11:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期五:11:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期六:10:30am - 10:30pm
  • 星期日:10:30am - 10:30pm
1、电脑浏览:打开微信,点击【发现】(Discover),【扫一扫】(Scan QR Code)下面的二维码,打开网页后点击屏幕右上角分享按钮。2、手机浏览器:保存二维码图到本地,再打开微信的扫一扫,点击右上角【相册】,导入已保存的二维码即可。3、手机微信:长按二维码图即可识别
环境种类 Atmosphere 着装要求 Attire Casual
停车免费 Free Parking 消费水准 Price
设有酒牌 LLBO 适合宴会 Group Functions
有否送餐 Deliver 适合小童 Kids Friendly
付款方式 Payment MasterCard / Visa / American Express / Interac 凌晨营业 Open Late
超级划算 Cheap Eat 其它功能 Features

There's more to life than the university classroom and more than one way to spend tuition money. This turned out to be a wise decision by the now proud owner of this funky juice bar and vegan cafe. She renovated and polished an old greasy spoon, kept the long narrow bar and small wooden booths, and created a menu that is representative of her lifestyle. To name just a few of the energy elixirs and smart drinks on the menu, there's Super Energy Cocktail, Einstein's Theory, Rocket Fuel Mix. Add a shot of wheat grass to any drink and you'll feel the blood coursing through your veins. An innovative three-page menu will amaze with its complex renditions of raw and cooked vegetables, brown rice bowls, hearty pan-Asian and Middle
Eastern fare.
The Sunday brunch menu was one of the first to offer hemp-seed French toast and pair it with maple syrup and fresh fruit. A favourite is grilled corn and potato cakes with salsa. While waiting for a table at peak hours, you may need more patience than you can muster. Call ahead, if you can.
~Sara Waxman



