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环境种类 Atmosphere 着装要求 Attire a
停车免费 Free Parking 消费水准 Price
设有酒牌 LLBO 适合宴会 Group Functions
有否送餐 Deliver 适合小童 Kids Friendly
付款方式 Payment 凌晨营业 Open Late
超级划算 Cheap Eat 其它功能 Features

Visit Baton Rouge Front St. for quality dining with a flavour of Southern Charm. With over 350 seats and located at the base of The CN Tower and Rogers Center, Baton Rouge Front St. can accommodate large groups and private functions. Take a well-deserved break and unwind in the comfort of Baton Rouge's cozy decor of warm mahogany and brass, deep rich colors and soft lamp lighting that calm your senses. Indulge in prompt, caring service and impeccably prepared food. Whether you choose mouth-watering baby back ribs, a tender steak, or delicious fresh fish, your palate will be full of pleasure.

Tucked away are over-sized leather booths and carefully spaced tables that ensure the privacy you are looking for. So go ahead, invite your friends, family, associates or that very special person and discover what others already know… Premium quality food, service and atmosphere – without pretension.



