浏览次数: 7207
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地址: 1201 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON M5R 3H3
联系人: [email protected]
  • 星期一:
  • 星期二:5:00pm - 10:30pm
  • 星期三:5:00pm - 10:30pm
  • 星期四:5:00pm - 10:30pm
  • 星期五:5:00pm - 11:00pm
  • 星期六:5:00pm - 11:00pm
  • 星期日:
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环境种类 Atmosphere 着装要求 Attire Casual
停车免费 Free Parking 消费水准 Price
设有酒牌 LLBO 适合宴会 Group Functions
有否送餐 Deliver 适合小童 Kids Friendly
付款方式 Payment MasterCard / Visa 凌晨营业 Open Late
超级划算 Cheap Eat 其它功能 Features

So you don’t know the difference between an ensalada and an enchilada, but you still want to partake of a Mexican fiesta on your plate? Enter here. Okay, so the entrance does not blow you away, but you can’t eat architecture. Inside, warm and cozy are the buzzwords.
Start with a real Margarita, made with fresh lime juice (not something called bar mix) in a salt-rimmed glass. Order some freshly made guacamole, a mash of ripe avocado, onion, tomato, coriander and wait for it the unmistakable hot-flash of habanero peppers. If you always wanted to know that real taco chips taste like, you will get your answer.
This is Bathurst Street, where the streets are a feather away from being paved with chicken soup. The Mexican version is a full-bodied bowlful, afloat with hominy. They even make their own burritos here, with pork, beef, or chicken, and for pennies more it comes as a full meal with rice and salad.
Viva Mexicana, viva dos amigos!
~Sara Waxman



